BC "Prometey" held another training session within the One Team programme

БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team

Basketball club “Prometey” held another open basketball training session in Riga for Ukrainian children. It took place within the social Euroleague programme One Team. “Prometey” decided to support those who is in need most – Ukrainian children who had to escape the war.

Current training was visited by the largest number of children for the entire period of participation BC “Prometey” in the One Team programme. So seven team players, Denys Lukashov, Oleksandr Lypovyy, Issuf Sanon, Ivan Tkachenko, Viacheslav Petrov, DJ Kennedy and James Dickey were helping our coaches Serhii Alforof and Mantas Valchiukaitis.

The children were excited to see their favourite basketball players and practice with them on the basketball court. The hour of training flew away very quickly, because our coaches came up with incredibly interesting exercises, and socialising with the players was friendly and warm. So no one wanted to leave the court.

How this training session was going on, what exercises children were doing and what impressions our event left on its participants, watch in our video story.

БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team
БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team
БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team
БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team
БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team
БК "Прометей" провів нове тренування в рамках соціальної програми Євроліги One Team